Welcome to the Praxeum Chronicles live blog! This is waypoint record of both my experiences with the MMORPG, as well as the ongoing story I'm writing, based on my adventures within the game. The story follows two paladins -- Liam mac Roi, of Northshire and Freaja Bloodsun of Silvermoon -- as they find their paths crossing and moving forwards, in their personal quests and in furthering the goals of their respective Orders.

Jan 21, 2010

Finally, An Update!

Greetings all!

It's finally 2010, and to be honest, the writing has been coming a little slow... mostly due to the fact I've been having fun re-acquainting myself with WoW once more, now that I have my main computer back up and running again. Thanks to my cousin Scott and his Dad, it now has more speed, more RAM and I've managed to get moving forwards once more on leveling.

Though, there's been a few twists this time around.

I've gotten actively involved on an Oceanic Realm -- Caelestraz -- and a Horde-side guild that has been more than helpful in getting my characters moving towards lvl 80.

So, there's a good chance I will be consolidating my mains from Suramar US, and moving the one that's advanced the most (Macroi, my lvl 69 Paladin) over to Caelstraz when I have the funds for doing so. I'll still be playing on Blade's Edge -- though in a more reduced role -- since I hope to get another DK started up soon.

In the meantime, the story WILL be getting a new chapter soon. I just have to knuckle down and get to it.

Oh, and for a mention, one of my artist friends from DA -- LeilahLove -- is on Cael-OC, and we finally connected in-game this morning. Yay! Looking forwards to playing the game with her. ^_^

Well, that's all from me for now. So, stay crispy, Kids! -- SSJ.