Welcome to the Praxeum Chronicles live blog! This is waypoint record of both my experiences with the MMORPG, as well as the ongoing story I'm writing, based on my adventures within the game. The story follows two paladins -- Liam mac Roi, of Northshire and Freaja Bloodsun of Silvermoon -- as they find their paths crossing and moving forwards, in their personal quests and in furthering the goals of their respective Orders.

Sep 26, 2011

Great Googily-Moogily!

Greetings all!

This has been a productive week! Chapters 18 and 19 have both been posted to FF.net, and the cool thing is I should be able to post the next chapter soon as well. For those interested, you can go to the link in my "Links" portion of this blog and go to my FF.net page to read them!

One thing I would like to ask anyone who reads this blog, what do you want to see on here? More Character Profiles? Peeks into the Backstory and process behind the whole scope of the story? Links to artwork that have been made of the characters?

Drop me a comment here. I'd like to know just what YOU want to read here.

Thanks for reading! -- SSJ

Jul 12, 2011

Finally! Some Progress!

After months of stonewall-writer's block, I finally got through and for my efforts, Chapter 17 of The Praxium Chronicles is now posted over on FF.net.

Apologies to all who have been waiting for the latest update. I'm hoping to move forwards to post new chapters soonest!

Enjoy! -- SSJ

Apr 5, 2010

A little Backstory -- Clan Sturmhahn

Just a little something to fill in some information. Seems a lot of readers of The Praxeum Chronicles are quite taken with my two dwarf cousins, Rhandall and Hanna. So, here's a little backstory on the origins of their clan's name and where they came from.

Enjoy! -- SSJ


The Stormhand (nie - Sturmhahn) Clan is an extended clan of several families of the Wildhammer dwarves, all of whom live in the Hinterlands area near the Wildhammer city of Aerie Peak.

Originally, 100 years prior to the War of the Three Hammers, a lesser thane of some fame (he was a survivor of the Second War) named Ogden Stormrage took the daughter of a prominent merchant family in Grim Batol -- a fiery, yet companionable lady named Elsa Hammerhand. Under the advisement of a shaman who oversaw the arrangement of their union, and foresaw a time when their joined family would serve a higher purpose, the couple combined their names, forging a new surname; Stormhand.

Ogden and Elsa had ten children born from their union; six boys and four girls. Under their guidance, each child was married and helped to grow and strengthen the original bloodline, and in forty years time since their original pairing, the Stormhand Clan had thirty-two families.

After the War of the Three Hammers, and the subsequent loss of Grim Batol as a home, the Wildhammer Clans all relocated to the Hinterlands in south Loredaeron. After their thane Khardros established a new home on the mountains of that region -- which would later become Aerie Peak -- many of the Stormhands settled on lands near the western most face of that chain. Finding a plateau and several small, sheltered valleys near it that supported arable land for farming, Ogden’s clan-mates set about establishing their own homes; creating a small, dwarven community that later became named Storm’s Bed.

Here, the families cultivated grains and fruit crops, all in support of the wild game in the forests and their own passion; beer brewing and spirits crafting. In time, heady ales and stouts, along with fine liquors were being shipped via wagons and gryphon riders to the local towns of Southshore, Pyrewood and Loredaeron itself; where they were received with much appreciation by the humans living there.

In due course, due to the human language having its particular quirks, the Stormhand name was mispronounced by some as Sturmhahn. While the family and clan thane tried to dissuade it, eventually the mispronounced name stuck, and the Stormhand clan became forever after known as the Sturmhahns among the human populations of that region.

Out of all of the surviving families (now twenty-three out of the original thirty-five), the most prominent ones are the families of Kala Sturmhahn (a master-weaver and herbalist), Jorg Sturmhahn (a survivor of the Second and Third Wars, and acclaimed battle-master), and Bronbor and Burdoc Sturmhahn (both brothers, master hunters and marksmen). It is the Brothers Bronbor and Burdoc who are also acclaimed brew-masters -- having created and perfected some of the more lively, profound and most-liked brews and spirits ever made in the Hinterlands.

Of note, both brothers have children of notable mark: Hanna, Bronbor’s eldest daughter and Rhandall, Burdoc’s middle son. Both are first cousins, and have taken to the craft of hunting and marksmanship as their primary trade in life. In this manner, they have managed to leave their homeland and travel the world of Azeroth in pursuit of perfecting their skills and bringing honor to their family name.

Currently, over 400 members of the collective Sturmhahn clan lives in their holding at Storm’s Bed, near Aerie Peak. They are stout supporters of the Alliance.

Jan 21, 2010

Finally, An Update!

Greetings all!

It's finally 2010, and to be honest, the writing has been coming a little slow... mostly due to the fact I've been having fun re-acquainting myself with WoW once more, now that I have my main computer back up and running again. Thanks to my cousin Scott and his Dad, it now has more speed, more RAM and I've managed to get moving forwards once more on leveling.

Though, there's been a few twists this time around.

I've gotten actively involved on an Oceanic Realm -- Caelestraz -- and a Horde-side guild that has been more than helpful in getting my characters moving towards lvl 80.

So, there's a good chance I will be consolidating my mains from Suramar US, and moving the one that's advanced the most (Macroi, my lvl 69 Paladin) over to Caelstraz when I have the funds for doing so. I'll still be playing on Blade's Edge -- though in a more reduced role -- since I hope to get another DK started up soon.

In the meantime, the story WILL be getting a new chapter soon. I just have to knuckle down and get to it.

Oh, and for a mention, one of my artist friends from DA -- LeilahLove -- is on Cael-OC, and we finally connected in-game this morning. Yay! Looking forwards to playing the game with her. ^_^

Well, that's all from me for now. So, stay crispy, Kids! -- SSJ.

Dec 25, 2009

Some New Faces...

...in Some Old Places.

Slow Story Progress is Slow. But, for the most part, I've been getting some new, juicy material to use for future chapters of "The Praxeum Chronicles" from playing WoW. Particularlly since my main, Macroi, has been leveling up in Zangramarsh in Outland.

I've also been working with a new main on a separate server. A friend who has a house-guild on Blade's Edge has convinced me to give the Shaman class a go, so now I have a new character that may be cropping up in the future plot of the story.

Also, considering it's the night of the Winter's Veil celebration, I want to send out to everyone a very Merry Christmas, and hoping that the holiday season is a good one for you and yours.

-- For the Praxeum! - SSJ

Dec 8, 2009

Back in Business!

Hooray! My Desktop computer arrived today! Refurbished, new chasis (a Compaq, ugh), more RAM, bigger hard drive!

Now, just need to go through reinstalling all of the programs I've been using... and hopefully get paid so I can get back onto WoW. The Praxeum SHALL return!

Also, uploaded revised Chapter 7 for "The Blessed Light" today. Enjoy the story!

For the Praxeum! -- SSJ

Dec 6, 2009

Computer Progress -- Chapters Updated!

Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 of "The Blessed Light: Book One" have been updated/revised, and are now available for reading at my Fanfiction.net page.

Getting back into the swing, with the characters, so that should make things move more smoothly as I get back to work on the current chapter (16 overall, chapter 2 of Book Two).

As well, my desktop has been repaired and should hopefully be on the way sometime in the week ahead. I'm THIS close to getting back online with WoW again.

In the meantime, enjoy the revised chapters! For the Praxeum! -- SSJ