Welcome to the Praxeum Chronicles live blog! This is waypoint record of both my experiences with the MMORPG, as well as the ongoing story I'm writing, based on my adventures within the game. The story follows two paladins -- Liam mac Roi, of Northshire and Freaja Bloodsun of Silvermoon -- as they find their paths crossing and moving forwards, in their personal quests and in furthering the goals of their respective Orders.

Nov 28, 2009

The Big Question #1

So, just what is the Praxeum Chronicles?

In short form -- it’s a novel-length story, adapted from the settings, characters and lore that make up the universe of “World of Warcraft”, as well as my own experiences on the various servers/worlds that I play on in-game as I’ve quested and gone up with the levels.

The story grew out of my initial trial-and-error phase of learning how each of the character races and classes worked within the game. When I first started, I was pretty much focused on the usual class/race combinations (Human/warrior, Nelf/hunter, etc.). Yet, as time progressed, I soon realized my comfort zone was with the paladin class, and that became my class of choice.

After all, being able to wear heavy armor and cast healing spells, as well as having the prestige of being a “knight”... no contest, really.

So, after a few months of playing, it was happenstance -- during a quest that dealt with a heavy dose of game lore -- that I decided to see if there were any resources online that could tell me more about the “story” behind Warcraft’s world of Azeroth. This led to the discovery of sites like WoWWiki, that opened up a lot of back story, information and more about the various factions, races and characters that made up the “story” I and millions of other players were taking part in.

The more I read, the more I got inspired to take a crack at writing my own story.

Originally, the story was going to be a humorous, one-shot affair, about a human paladin who find himself the object of affection for a Dwarven warrior maiden. Thankfully, I moved away from the humorous theme and made the story an epic adventure. The dwarven warrior-maid was recycled into a supporting character -- along with a male cousin -- and the second protagonist to play off the human paladin eventually became a blood elf (I’ll explain more about this in a future post. After all, can’t give away the whole store in the first day.).

So, what began as a one-shot, eventually grew longer, and bigger, until . . . I realized I had a much larger story on my hands.

It’s going to take a while before it gets completely told. But, then again, that’s one of the reasons I love to write; it’s the telling, not the finish that makes a good tale.

So, that’s what it’s all about: an adventure, spanning not just continents and zones, but also the journey of the character’s spirit, heart and beliefs. The Praxeum Chronicles looks to be one of those stories that -- when it’s all said and done -- I hope leaves its mark on the world of Azeroth.

With that said, why don’t you take your first look into the journey? Here’s the opening chapter -- The First Chapter of Book One : The Blessed Light.

Enjoy the journey! For the Praxeum!


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