Welcome to the Praxeum Chronicles live blog! This is waypoint record of both my experiences with the MMORPG, as well as the ongoing story I'm writing, based on my adventures within the game. The story follows two paladins -- Liam mac Roi, of Northshire and Freaja Bloodsun of Silvermoon -- as they find their paths crossing and moving forwards, in their personal quests and in furthering the goals of their respective Orders.

Nov 30, 2009

Character Profile 001

1st of ??? profiles, to give you the reader some background on the characters that are part of "The Praxeum Chronicles". What better place to start than with the lead protagonist? ^_^

Enjoy! For the Praxeum! -- SRS

Liam mac Roi

    * Gender: Male
    * Race: Human
    * Eyes:Deep Blue
   * Hair: Russett Red
    * Height: 6' 4"

    * Occupation: Knight, Paladin.

    * Rank: Lieutenant-Commander
    * Birthplace: Valley of Northshire, Kingdom of Stormwind.
    * Base of Operations: Stormwind City.
    * Affiliation: The Order of the Silver Hand, Brotherhood of Northshire;
            The Order of the Praxeum.

    * Abilities: As a paladin of the highest rank, Liam has a multitude of powerful talents and abilities; judgments, seals and prayers for healing, destroying the undead and causing unmatched retribution against his foes. He carries two singular weapons with him; a two-handed great-sword, and a one-handed warhammer, named Molnirr (a gift from the Dwarf paladin and weapnsmith, Jorgan Ironbar.).

One of the most dedicated and honorable paladins to have ever served the cause of the Light -- first for the Order of the Silver Hand and the Brotherhood of Northshire, and in time for the Order of the Praxeum -- Liam grew from boyhood among a farming family in Northshire, to pursue a career as a knight of Stormwind; serving alongside his childhood friend, Aemer Solarin, who had joined the cause of hte Light as a member of the priesthood.

Although they began their service to Stormwind together, Liam eventually left Aemer to pursue his goal of becoming a marshaled-knight and defender of his people. Aemer sought to wander the world in search of others to follow in his belief of a truly ‘united people of Azeroth’. This would culminate in Aemer founding the Order of the Praxeum (with Liam to become one of its first Knight-Marshals in the future.).

During his service to Stormwind as a knight, Liam would encounter and befriend  many people in his own travels. Chief among them would be the Wildhammer cousins, Rhandall and Hanna Sturmhahn, Kajara Oakenspire, a Night Elf engineer, and Tully Strombar, a blacksmith who lives in the shelter of Ironforge. He also made the acquaitence of a thief named Trissa Twinblades -- after rescuing her from a ‘misunderstanding’ with the constabulary -- as well as an elder paladin named Sabine DeWulfe.

His service to those peoples and kingdoms that lay within the Grand Alliance became a hallmark of his dedication to the Light. His name became synonamous with the highest aspects of his beliefs -- selflessness, dedication to duty and willingness to give aid to all people, be they ally or foe.

Following in the belief that no one faction or race can hold against the threat of the Lich King and his cursed Scourge, Liam works to strengthen ties and alliances between the multitude races of the Alliance and the Horde.

He has a Father, Sister, and several relatives who are currently living, in their home in the valley of Northshire.


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