Welcome to the Praxeum Chronicles live blog! This is waypoint record of both my experiences with the MMORPG, as well as the ongoing story I'm writing, based on my adventures within the game. The story follows two paladins -- Liam mac Roi, of Northshire and Freaja Bloodsun of Silvermoon -- as they find their paths crossing and moving forwards, in their personal quests and in furthering the goals of their respective Orders.

Dec 1, 2009

Character Profile 002

2nd of ??? profiles, to give you the reader some background on the characters that are part of "The Praxeum Chronicles". Here, I present Liam's companiions... after all, every hero needs his side-kicks. ^_^

Enjoy! For the Praxeum! -- SSJ

Rhandall Sturmhahn

    * Gender: Male
    * Race: Dwarf (Wildhammer)
    * Eyes: Gray-Green
    * Hair: Deep-Red
    * Height: 4’ 5”

Hanna Sturmhahn

    * Gender: Female
    * Race: Dwarf (Wildhammer)
    * Eyes: Gray-Blue
    * Hair: Golden-Red
    * Height: 4’ 2”

    * Occupations: Tracker, Hunter.
    * Ranks: Master-Sergeant / Sergeant-Major
    * Birthplace: Aerie Peak, Hinterlands.
    * Base of Operations: Ironforge, Dun Morogh
    * Affiliations: The Hunters’ Guild, The Order of the Praxeum.

    * Abilities: As both Hanna and Rhandall are hunters, they are both skilled trackers, accomplished beast-masters and survivalists. Both are highly-trained marksmen and take their skills with guns very seriously; Rhandall is more concerned with precision, while Hanna believes in quick-shooting speed. The Cousins carry specially-crafted rifles with them at all times -- gifts from their guild's gunsmith -- and have both swords and axes as melee weapons.
Both have tamed hunting pets -- one white and one black nightsaber, named  Skott and Kryn.

Rhandall and Hanna are both cousins, and are members of the Sturmhahn clan of Aerie Peak -- with their fathers being twin brothers, Bronbor and Burdoc. Apart from being accomplished brewmasters, Bronbor (Hanna’s father) was a skilled tracker, while Burdoc (Rhandall’s father) was a master marksman. Both seeing the benefit of each other’s skill, they worked in concert to train each other’s child in both skill-sets.

By the time they had both reached their majority, Rhandall and Hanna had become two of the best hunters in all of Aerie Peak. Determined to become masters at their crafts, the cousins set out together to journey to the High-Thane’s city of Ironforge, where they joined the Hunter’s Guild and continued to hone their skills in the snowy lands of Dun Morogh.

Over the years, it was rare to ever see one Sturmhahn Cousin without the other. Rhandall’s ‘pig-headedness’ and open emotions are often balanced out by Hanna’s level-headed tact and guile. Through the years, they have become a potent and effective tandem-team of huntsmen and marksmen.

Traveling across Azeroth, while the Sturmhahn Cousins continued their training in Ironforge, they had many adventures while plying their trade-skills and have become friends with many people in the Grand Alliance. Chief among these is the paladin Liam mac Roi -- whom they befriended while Liam was part of a contingent of humans training with the paladin trainers in Ironforge. They are also acquaitenced with the thief, Trissa Twinblades, the Night Elf engineer Kajara Oakenspire, as well as Liam’s childhood friend, Aemer Solarin.

Rhandall and Hanna have both been made honorary members of the Order of the Praxeum, where they serve in an advisory capacity.

They both have their families back in Aerie peak; with multiple (as yet unnamed) brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts. (Bronbor and Burdoc are the only named relatives mentioned in the context of this story.).


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